Thursday, June 11, 2009

Death of America

What you are now witnessing is something most people of this epoch thought impossible: America is dying a slow and protracted death. It could have happened faster, but the genies of market management have all but mastered the art of manipulating economic pumps and dumps from behind the scenes to an ever unsuspecting public. The media has successfully boondoggled people into thinking that economics is far too complex a topic for their understanding, so they are given sports scores and cheap beer to assuage their inferior intellects instead of the facts that could enlighten them to the reality of economic warfare. In retrospect, people will not be able to believe how they missed all of this careful orchestration, how they sat idly by waiting for their experts and leaders to swoop in and save them from the fruits of their own over –indulgence. Lucky for the universe the laws of cause and effect are still in full swing and no amount of mass denial will change this fact. You are witnessing an historic event, the death of an empire, but you will miss it if you remain asleep at the wheel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"You are witnessing an historic event, the death of an empire,.."

True. What you're seeing is a controlled demolition. I think it's a good thing.