Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Central Banking Warfare Model

Some call it Consumer Capitalism, others the Military Industrial Complex, but no matter how you slice it up it is a very powerful and sophisticated machine that fulfills its agenda through the use of marauding pools of capital that it sends throughout the world to make sure events happen along the lines of its own long-term agenda. It has been going on for decades, centuries even, although the level of sophistication we are seeing in the world today is at an all-time high. It is the very reason that humanity becomes more and more enslaved to a cabal of pirates with each passing moment.

If you control the issuance of currency, along with the ability to make the rules about how it is governed once it is in circulation, it would not take long before you owned everything in the world. That is why a famous bankster uttered the truism: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws"

The game is hardly subtle, yet very few people can connect the dots to make a picture complete enough for them to see what is really going on. I find that it is instructive to ask oneself some very obvious questions:

If most every country in the world is in debt, as well as each country’s citizenry, then who are we all indebted to?
If we renege on these debts, either personally or nationally or globally, what is it that we must forfeit as collateral?
How can it be that one generation ago a single bread winner with a grade 8 education could easily support a wife and four children in a nice suburban neighborhood, while today you need both parents to be working professionals just to stay afloat with skyrocketing expenses?
When the stock market goes down, where did all of the wealth that was previously there go?

It’s game on, and time to ask yourself what the end game is. If you are not aware of how the world’s wealth is managed and manipulated, chances are you are financing the very system that is determined to make you an indentured servant and, I would argue, already has.

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